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Upcoming Book Events

The Indie Author Addict Podcast is for readers that want to meet new authors. With each interview, host Bob Nelson gives the guest a platform to share the best of themselves and their work with the listener. And as a listener, if you like what you hear or are intrueged by the book(s) in question, getting a copy is as easy as purchasing direct from the author's preferred venue.

About Host Bob Nelson

Bob has hosted and produced THOUSANDS of hours of podcast content over 25 years (even back when it was called 'internet radio'). His easy going style puts the interviewee at ease and makes for a great, engaging conversation. He's not old, he's TENURED. Bob is also the Pricipal Support Executive at Brick Cave Media, a publisher based in Mesa, AZ, and well as the Esecutive Director for Anthology, inc. and founder of the Mesa Book Festival and Mesa Book Crawl (among other things).


Interested in Being Interviewed?

Sponsored segments are $150 and include:

Book a 15 minute interview segment on the Indie Author Addict Podcast with host Bob Nelson. Only 2 recording sessions are booked each month on a first come, first served basis. These interviews form the basis of each episode (2 new episodes per month max).

  • Audio Only
  • Zoom based (since most everyone gets Zoom now)
  • Can be in-person, if you can be at our studio in Mesa, AZ.
  • All recording is done on Saturday's, because that's the time Bob has.
  • You create the questions, so we make sure to cover the content YOU want to share.
  • Authors may only book one session in a given 12 month period.

Ready? Hit the Button to Book:

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