LogoSBP V3

Latest Directory Authors

The Directory: Poetry Authors ;
The Directory: Fiction Authors ;

Upcoming Book Events

19 Oct 2024;
11:00AM - 04:00PM
Spooky Signing Saturday @ Bookmaze

 So, it's time to add you or someone you know to the directory. Here are a few winning tips to create a powerful listing that not only gets attention, it gets clicks.

Important Tips

  • You have 500 characters, use them wisely
    • If you are prominent in a sub genre (science fiction, fantasy, cookbooks, etc.)- mention it. That will get picked up in search.
    • Where are you from? Mention it.
    • Avoid repetition. The listing will be headlined with the author's name- no need to repeat it multiple times in the description.
    • A sentence bio, a sentence about the writing.
    • Most popular book? mention it.
    • Awards? Ones people would recognize, mention by name.
    • No need to mention you live with a significant other or pets.
    • Avoid dated information.
  • Your URL does not need to be in your description, the listing headline will be a hyperlink to your website.
  • The URL you provide can be any (personal website, Amazon link, etc.) but should not be dated information.

Link Management

  • Understand that listings reported as dead will be removed without notification. A new listing will need to be submitted to replace the removed listing.
  • Submit seperate entries if you write in seperate genres- use that opportunity to customize the listing to the genre.
  • select the check box "edited listing" if you are changing a listing already in the directory.


All submissions are reviewed for validity before being added to the directory, this is a manual process that occurs once per week (so please be patient). You may submit an entry more than once IF you are adding it to a different Listing Genre.

Author Directory Submission

Select one- you may submit a separate form for additional genres.
Provide up to 7 Keyword tags to include with your listing.
500 character limit
Drag and drop files here or Browse
.jpg files only, max pixels on the SHORTEST side 1,400, minimum pixels on shorted side 600. Is not required. BEST PRACTICE: Name file "author last name_book title".jpg