LogoSBP V3

Latest Directory Authors

The Directory: Poetry Authors ;
The Directory: Fiction Authors ;

Upcoming Book Events

15 Mar 2025;
2025 Tucson Festival of Books
15 Mar 2025;
2025 Tucson Festival of Books

 So, it's time to add your author service to The Directory. Here are a few winning tips to create a powerful listing that not only gets attention, it gets clicks.

Important Tips

  • You have 400 characters, use them wisely
    • If you are prominent in a sub genre (science fiction, fantasy, cookbooks, etc.)- mention it. That will get picked up in search.
    • Where are you from? Mention it.
    • Avoid repetition. The listing will be headlined with the individual or business name- no need to repeat it multiple times in the description.
    • A sentence bio, a sentence about the service.
    • Most popular client? mention them.
    • Awards? Ones people would recognize, mention by name.
    • Avoid dated information.
  • Your URL does not need to be in your description, the listing headline will be a hyperlink to your website.
  • The URL you provide can be any (personal website, fivr link, etc.) but should not be dated information.

Link Management

  • Understand that listings reported as dead will be removed without notification. A new listing will need to be submitted to replace the removed listing.
  • Submit seperate entries if you write in seperate genres- use that opportunity to customize the listing to the genre.
  • select the check box "edited listing" if you are changing a listing already in the directory.


All submissions are reviewed for validity before being added to the directory, this is a manual process that occurs once per week (so please be patient). You may submit an entry more than once IF you are adding it to a different service area.

Services Directory Submission

Business name will be listed in directory if provided. Otherwise individual's name will be listed.
Select one- you may submit a separate form for additional service types.
400 character limit